
The LightningBug blog on the strategy, ideas and frameworks that fuel great content marketing.

LightningBug in Forbes

28th March 2018

When I first started LightningBug, I wrote for Forbes on whether more millennials are setting up businesses. You can read my article here, including references to the Cheshire Cat and Peter Pan.

Why words matter in business

5th March 2018

The value of great words may be hard to quantify but, unlike some elements of marketing, they are far from a nice-to-have. They’re not something you can test in order to see if they’re a useful tool for your business (like white papers or infographics). They are an inescapable part of almost every moment of our lives. Whether watching a film or a presentation, reading a novel or a website, or even just letting our minds wander: we are awash with words.

LightningBug in Digital Marketing Magazine

27th February 2018

I wrote an article for Digital Marketing Magazine outlining five ways marketers can try to get internal buy-in to do something different. And, yes, one of them involves Christian Slater. Read the full piece here.

How to: get started with your content plan

20th January 2018

Thinking about what content will help you sell? By getting to know you – your ambitions, your culture, your set up, your customers – I can design and put into action a content marketing programme that will make an impact where you need it. Step 1: Pinpoint your story I identify and develop the story […]

How to: write like an expert on almost anything

9th October 2017

I was invited to write an article on writing as part of Learn Something New week. There’s some really interesting brainfood here on everything from how to buy a camera to how to start a business. Have a read!

Go sideways, swipe right & scroll

2nd October 2017

My Autumn newsletter includes three pieces of inspiration and an update on the latest happenings at LightningBug. Read it here.  Sign up here for a little inspiration each quarter.     

B2B inspiration from Nike

10th July 2017

This quarter’s newsletter summarises what I’ve been working on and provides a handful of examples of what’s been inspiring me. I even made a short video based on a Nike example: Read the full newsletter here and make sure to sign up for more useful content on content.    

Today’s super quick campaign tips

14th June 2017

It’s been a busy few months at LightningBug working with lawyers, consultants and technology specialists but there’s always time to talk about creativity. Here are a couple of recent pieces of my work and another couple from other companies I’m inspired by. 1. Matt Gillan’s Redroaster / Pike & Pine restaurant has launched and it’s […]

Recent reads on purpose

10th April 2017

To be successful, do you have to have a purpose and use that to power everything you do? I think this is the direction all business is moving in and that, in only a few years, it will be fundamental in B2B. Recent research by Harvard Business Review agrees. Here are a few articles from […]

How Christian Slater can help your marketing

6th April 2017

If you’re working in a very corporate environment, how can you push the boundaries with your marketing? Of course, your messaging needs to be appropriate, but there is no good reason why campaigns can’t be creative. The Fearless Girl stunt by State Street Global Advisors is a perfect example of this. I wrote a piece […]

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